Tag Archives: reincarnation

Holiday Season Promotion

I’m excited to announce a discounted price to celebrate the approaching holiday season and my two books, The Afterlife: Hereafter and Here at Hand http://amzn.to/2Em3JnS and Looking Beyond the Fishbowl: A New Comforting Perspective on Reincarnation http://amzn.to/2E4fQmb in English.

Both books were originally published in Italian in 2014 and the English edition is an expanded and updated version approaching the topic of life after death also based on personal experience in the areas of mediumship, lucid dreaming and astral travel.

The reviews published by readers for both the Italian and the English version confirm that these books offer significant support and comfort at time of grief and loss and also encourage readers to reconsider the chance that they may themselves discover, firsthand, that our loved ones on the other side are alive and well and really willing to let us know they are in touch and available to watch over us and guide us if only we pay attention.

The Afterlife: Hereafter and Here at Hand: Three tried and tested methods to stay in touch with those who have gone before us

Looking Beyond the Fishbowl: A New Comforting Perspective on Reincarnation


A Giveaway Competition for My Readers!

Note for readers: I’m delighted to announce that three winners have been selected as part of this giveaway to celebrate my two books, The Afterlife: Hereafter and Here at Hand and Looking Beyond the Fishbowl: A New Comforting Perspective on Reincarnation publishing in English. Congratulations again to the winners and a big thank you to everyone who took part (2 June 2018)

I’m excited to announce a fantastic giveaway to celebrate my two books, The Afterlife: Hereafter and Here at Hand  and Looking Beyond the Fishbowl: A New Comforting Perspective on Reincarnation which have been recently published in English.






You can WIN one of three bundles of some of the best books written about the Afterlife, which have inspired me and my work:

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This giveaway competition opens today and will close on Thursday 31st May 2018. Please read the terms and conditions below and good luck!

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This giveaway competition opens today and will close on Thursday 31st May 2018. Please read the terms and conditions above and good luck!

An Extract from Looking Beyond the Fishbowl: A New Comforting Perspective on Reincarnation by Giulia Jeary Knap

The Ego and Our Real Self (continued)

…Needless to say, when interpreting the telepathic message in which the Being of Light reveals the heroic nature of incarnation, Dannion seems to suggest that a similar need to ‘progress’ exists in both the incarnate and disincarnate form. This once again raises the issue of linear time, although Dannion does not suggest that spirit guides live within it. While, admittedly, linear time is not the only yardstick available to us for measuring events, it is nevertheless part of the ‘big picture’ and, without it, certain ideas could not have come into existence. If a discarnate spirit is dealing with a recently discarnate spirit who, as in Dannion’s case, is about to go back into time, I believe the former must have shared its common purpose with the latter, covering all things, including the sensation of making progress and the notion of time.

What I want to emphasise here is the message that, while these spiritual entities appear not to ‘have the courage’ to enter the physical plane, the partnership created between those who come to this world and those who follow us from the other world is a win-win situation. It is a shared victory involving two mutually beneficial approaches, free from judgment and hierarchy.

Hence, if incarnation involves refining our personal identity in the heroic act of co-creating with God, then developing this illusory conviction of being separate from God and from each other is the inevitable guise we must wear every day during our time on the earthly plane – at least at this stage of the creative process we have apparently chosen to take part in.

This guise – the part of us that is responsible for keeping this illusion alive – is what I call the Ego or the ‘earthly self’. The Ego is a guiding voice that enables us to operate efficiently in our everyday lives. It directs us through the plethora of situations in which we find ourselves.

This guiding voice seems to be an integral part of our physical reality, with the specific purpose of keeping us soundly anchored to all that is material, even in the subtlest of ways. The main purpose of the Ego is to reinforce constantly the illusion that only the physical/material plane is real, and that everything on this plane revolves around suffering, everything is transient and time is master. Anything else is an illusion, the imagination, a hallucination, a dream, or even disease, psychiatric imbalance, dissociation or schizophrenia….


Looking Beyond the Fishbowl: A New Comforting Perspective on Reincarnation by Giulia Jeary Knap is available from http://amzn.to/2E4fQmb. Find out more here: http://fracieloeterra.org/en/ or http://fracieloeterra.org/reincarnationbook

Here Is What I Believe about Reincarnation (Part Two)

Here are some of my findings on what we usually refer to as incarnation or reincarnation:

  • Past life regression sessions are often laden with ‘leading questions’ (i.e. questions that tend to prompt or encourage a specific answer) and hence project researchers’ beliefs in earthly drama into the Afterlife.
  • Unless we are comfortable about it, there is no need to paint a picture of the Afterlife as a sequence of different lives lived one after another within linear time, ruled by guilt, judgment, punishment and fear.
  • Discarnate beings have no way of understanding the true nature of human suffering, though they appreciate the heroism of those who choose the leap into the darkness that incarnation involves.
  • Conversely, those who choose to experience one or more physical incarnations, are not bound by linear time and are always connected with our Divine Source, their Whole Self and their discarnate guides, in a win-win partnership that is free from judgment or hierarchy.

Some of the most important points I make and provide evidence for in my book on reincarnation are:

  • At all stages of our multidimensional existence we are co-creating with our Divine Source thanks to our unique and eternal personal identity, and are constantly reaping the benefits of past, present and future.
  • We have boundless reserves of spiritual energy and vitality that we have access to at all times on the earthly plane, provided we understand that unconditional love is the source and end of all things and always see in others the reflection of ourselves.
  • In spite of death and multidimensionality, we never really lose the people dear to us, not even in our darkest moments. The spirit world is in fact our world and we have amazing creative powers we only need to acknowledge and tap into.
  • As co-creators with our loving Source, we all have a mission in life, which guides us every day and always, even through the circumstances and with the people who seem to cross our paths by chance.
  • Once we realise all this, we also realise that our point of power is always NOW: it is now that we can free ourselves of any unhelpful memories or emotions, gain control over our choices, affect any past, present or future outcome, achieve apparently impossible goals and make the most of our physical adventure.
  • Whenever we catch ourselves regretting the past or fearing the future, it is always a relief to realise how brave we are for being here and now and for taking advantage of the tools that all human beings have on this physical plane to really make the difference for all Creation.

In other words, we are not all robots placed unwillingly in an overpowering and overcomplex system of life, death and rebirth that is beyond our control. At the same time, we are not here because we have been kicked out of the Garden of Eden, but are divine sparks bravely exploring/creating this denser/physical plane to better appreciate aspects that are taken for granted in the finer spiritual dimensions. As Mellen-Thomas Benedict found out in his NDE, ‘we are literally God exploring God’s Self’.


The Afterlife: Hereafter and Here at Hand and Looking Beyond the Fishbowl: A New Comforting Perspective on Reincarnation by Giulia Jeary Knap are available from http://amzn.to/2Em3JnS and http://amzn.to/2E4fQmb. Find out more here: http://fracieloeterra.org/en/

Here Is What I Believe about Reincarnation (Part One)

Like many other people, I have always been fascinated with the idea of time travel: I have come to the conclusion that this stems from a need for confirmation as to whether or not life continues after death and whether or not the soul is eternal. I believe it also comes from a need to have a certain degree of control over our lives, irrespective of what mistakes we make and the misunderstandings we create in our dealings with the people around us, often in spite of ourselves. In other words, it coincides with our interest in the concept of reincarnation. This, in turn, has led to a series of hypotheses concerning karma and the cycle of rebirths.

Moreover, to some extent, the concept of reincarnation provides a credible escape from the fear of judgment after death, much dreaded by almost all traditional religions. As Andy Tomlinson says in his book, Exploring the Eternal Soul – Insights from the Life Between Lives, an examination of discoveries made under hypnotic regression regarding the existence of the soul between lives:

The ancient Egyptians were obsessed with ensuring that they would gain a favorable ruling when they came to the ‘Judgment Hall of Osiris’ and their heart was ‘weighed in the balance’. This would ensure their soul’s immortality because an adverse ruling would necessitate its destruction. Indeed the elite of their society spent considerable sums having inscriptions on the walls of their tombs and their sarcophagi that contained all the spells they would need to pass the ultimate test.

At least in Ancient Egypt they had a sense of how to draw things to a conclusion, with unworthy souls destroyed. By contrast, their Mesopotamian counterparts believed that those who obtained an adverse judgment from the gods who ‘decreed their fate’ were destined to live on in the ‘netherworld’, in a kind of gray limbo state. Even worse, by the time their influence had filtered down through Judaism and into the Christian Church, we find that unworthy souls are condemned to everlasting torment. It seems that the primary motivation for this development was not new spiritual insight, but instead the desire to keep the uneducated masses under control. After all, what could be more successful than to threaten them with eternal damnation and torment if they stepped out of line?

Therefore, since ancient times, the concept of rebirth has been a stratagem to avoid eternal damnation, or even the annihilation of the soul.

However, the traditional concept of karma as a process of ‘action and reaction’ and the ‘payment of debts’ is currently being replaced by those who study hypnotic regression to so-called past lives. A far less reductive and simplistic concept, it is based on the idea that, immersed in the beatitude of what people under hypnosis often define as ‘light realms’, the soul becomes impatient and longs for learning and growth, often through the experience of overcoming difficult circumstances. To do so, it works with a group of companion souls or soul group, to design a custom set of circumstances, challenges and lessons to learn in each incarnation.

Reincarnation also helps soften the blow of losing a loved one. For instance, I have known people who found great relief in the idea that their misfortune may be a way of making up for evil deeds committed in a past life.

However, the accounts provided by near-death experiencers and by discarnate spirits who have described their transition through deep-trance mediums, tell us that three-dimensional space and linear time only govern our physical waking life. This notion is also backed up by the latest findings in the field of quantum physics.

In particular, near-death experiencers who have had access to this notion describe past, present and future lives as all taking place ‘simultaneously’ while they observed them from the point of view of their own indestructible personal identity, which I like to refer to as our Whole Self. When we exclude the notions of space and time as we know them (something we can also experience in our dreams), it is very difficult to find logical, rational, analytical explanations (as prenatal regression researchers feel obliged to do) for the multidimensional nature of the soul. Even the concepts of evolution and growth lose substance once the concept of linear time is removed from the equation. This is because, at least in our dimension, both are inextricably linked to the linearity of time.

As I researched the topic, I realised that, in order to cope with this linearity, we develop the illusory conviction of being separate from our Divine Source and from each other, something that newborn children are unaware of, at least until they are taught the difference between ‘I’ and ‘you’.

I realised that we humans have probably chosen to express our exquisitely spiritual qualities through a limited and limiting view on life, like goldfish who only see what lies just outside their bowl. This is what I call ‘the fishbowl perspective’ in my book on incarnation.

It may sound cruel to deliberately abide by this illusion, which unfortunately includes the fear that death may be the end. However, by examining life as if through a magnifying glass, we can appreciate things that in the world of pure spirit we simply take for granted, even if this means temporarily losing our bird’s eye view.

Here is why I started viewing man not as a an arrogant being challenging God’s authority, but as a hero who is actively co-creating with our Divine Source.

I realise that the issue is not a simple one and that it is often much easier to deal with adversity by turning to the unfathomable plane of the divine. On the other hand, if I had not had direct experiences giving me glimmers of light on this subject, I would most likely have no opinion on incarnation, let alone reincarnation.


The Afterlife: Hereafter and Here at Hand and Looking Beyond the Fishbowl: A New Comforting Perspective on Reincarnation by Giulia Jeary Knap are available from http://amzn.to/2Em3JnS and http://amzn.to/2E4fQmb. Find out more here: http://fracieloeterra.org/en/

How I Came to the Realisation that My Early Passion for Romantic Science Fiction Is Deeply Connected to My Interest in Afterlife Research

I clearly remember there was a stage in my life, until I was around five or six years old, when I was always happy and never felt I really missed anything. Life was filled with bliss and magic and I felt anything was possible. Then, for no apparent reason, there was an almost overnight change and I realised that blissful period of magic was over for good: I guess I had started growing up and sadly started being taught that I was separate and disconnected from the rest of the world.

Nonetheless, my keen curiosity about life’s great mysteries was very strong and I soon started reading all sorts of books illustrating scientific theories about the universe and the history of mankind. In particular, I found it strange that scientific research should be based on the assumption that everything is separate from everything else. I took an interest in romantic science fiction too, for the same reason. For instance, I loved the idea that it might be possible to travel into the past and make a different choice, to avoid an undesirable outcome, such as saving lives.

I remember I was around nine when I started experiencing intense episodes of déjà vu. When the movie Déjà Vu was released in 2006, I realised this was only one of the many sci-fi stories that linked in with my research about our multidimensional nature and my effort to bridge the gap between my early years in which I knew anything was possible and my adult understanding filled with questions. I discuss this matter at length in my book Looking beyond the Fishbowl: A New Comforting Perspective on Reincarnation.

I have recently come across a presentation by author and speaker Gregg Braden, internationally renowned as a pioneer in bridging science, spirituality, and the real world. He explained in plain terms my non-technical mind could understand how for thousands of years ancient, indigenous and spiritual traditions have simply assumed that everything is connected, whereas science and later quantum physics have been struggling for the last 300 years to come to the same conclusion, starting from the opposite assumption: that everything is separate.

The recent conclusions of a number of scientific experiments seem to be coming close to proving that some sort of intelligent field of energy (who some refer to as the quantum field, the matrix or God) actually exists. In Gregg’s words:

  • The field is the container for all things: from the perspective that science sees it now, everything exists within this field, the universe exists within the field, nothing exists out of the field. So all things that are happening are happening within this field.

  • The field is a bridge between us and the world around us, between our inner and our outer worlds. This is important, because, when we offer healing energy or a prayer to a person on the other side of the world, we are able to affect things thanks to the field.

  • The energy of this field is a mirror in the world around us for what we claim to be true in the world within us: we all have beliefs and expectations about what is true and is possible in the world – sometimes they are conscious, sometimes they are not – but, irrespective of this, the world is always telling us what our true beliefs are.

Quantum physics is now studying how and why:

  • we are all connected;
  • we do not simply observe reality but actually create it through our emotions;
  • we can be in more than one place at once and actively travel between dimensions.

These notions really bridge the gap between my inner knowing as a child and my deeply rooted desire to obtain firsthand evidence about the possibility of doing apparently impossible things. These include visiting the Afterlife, checking on my loved ones and opening up to spiritually transformative experiences that have led to further insights about the power of positive expectation.

I now realise that the need to read about these topics and then seek firsthand evidence must have been a reminder set up by my Whole Self for my earthly self, beyond space and time, so that I may not lose track of my real purpose for experiencing this physical life: rediscovering that we are powerful spiritual beings with an eternal and indestructible personal identity… and sharing the good news with as many as possible.

I realise that a person in grief who is seeking confirmation that a departed loved one is alive absolutely needs to tap into the power of positive expectation. Here is why I feel that firsthand evidence confirming my gut feeling that death is just an awakening from a temporary illusion may prove of critical help at such times.


The Afterlife: Hereafter and Here at Hand and Looking Beyond the Fishbowl: A New Comforting Perspective on Reincarnation by Giulia Jeary Knap are available from http://amzn.to/2Em3JnS and http://amzn.to/2E4fQmb. Find out more here: http://fracieloeterra.org/reincarnationbook

An Extract from Looking Beyond the Fishbowl: A New Comforting Perspective on Reincarnation by Giulia Jeary Knap


The Ego and Our Real Self

I think most people reading this book have wondered about the purpose of our existence on the physical plane. This is especially true for those who have glimpsed for themselves – not merely been told – that there is so much more beyond this earthly dimension.

I have often asked myself questions like, ‘Who are we?’, ‘What are we doing here?’ and, ‘What happens after death?’

Over the years, I have been increasingly convinced that incarnation is our entry into the illusory state of being separate from God – also referred to as our ‘Divine Source’ or the ‘Supreme Source’ of life. As a result, we also perceive ourselves as separate from each other.

I do not believe this concept of incarnation has always existed in the history of humankind. I think that is why many cultures and religions talk about a mythical past when man lived happy and safe. However, in all such stories, man committed some transgression and lost that safety.

For example, according to the legend of Adam and Eve (specifically, the simplistic version of the original Hebrew myth[1] found in the Book of Genesis), man challenged God’s authority by eating the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. As a result, he was expelled from Earthly Paradise and became mortal.

Past life and interlife scholars also tell us that in their hypnotic regression sessions, they have encountered the idea that, as they are planning their ‘next’ incarnation, ‘young’ souls can show signs of ‘arrogance’. They do not listen to the advice of ‘Elders’ on what percentage of vital energy and emotional baggage to take with them to the physical plane. This determines their existential failure.

The notion that the trials and tribulations of humankind could be the result of some sort of challenge or arrogance shown towards the Divine (or the ‘Elders’) is, in my view, rather demeaning to humanity itself. It is also the source of much pointless suffering, as man has long been afflicted with a sense of guilt simply for being born.

On 17 September 1975, Dannion Brinkley, a 25-year-old from South Carolina with a rather shady past, was at home talking on the phone during a thunderstorm, when lightning struck the telephone line, unleashing thousands of volts of electricity into his body and smashing him against the ceiling. His heart stopped and, after being rushed to hospital, he was pronounced dead. His death certificate was prepared, he was covered with a sheet and about to be taken to the mortuary. He was clinically dead for 28 minutes before waking up on a hospital trolley. He tried to attract the attention of the people who, luckily, were with him in the hallway, by blowing on the sheet covering his face. In those 28 minutes, Dannion experienced an amazing NDE, which he talks about in his book Saved by the Light: The True Story of a Man Who Died Twice and the Profound Revelations He Received[2].

That experience changed Dannion’s life forever. In what was to be the first of three near-death experiences (although, as Dr Parnia points out, the term is inaccurate because he was technically dead) Dannion was shown the purpose of his life by 13 ‘Beings of Light’.

After an illuminating life review, which he experienced while in the embrace of unconditional love of one of these Beings, Dannion felt ashamed of the selfish, aggressive and sometimes sadistic life he had led. But instead of castigating him, the Being transmitted love and joy to him, which he could only compare to the ‘non-judgmental compassion that a grandfather has for a grandchild’. It was then that the Being of Light told him:

‘Who YOU are is the difference that God makes … And that difference is love.’

Dannion continues: ‘There were no actual words spoken, but this thought was communicated to me through some form of telepathy. To this day, I am not sure of the exact meaning of this cryptic phrase. That is what was said, however.’ After some time spent reflecting on the love he had withheld in his life so far, his sense of guilt melted in the loving embrace of the Being of Light. Dannion adds:

I could hear the Being’s message in my head, again as if through telepathy: “Humans are powerful spiritual beings meant to create good on the earth. This good isn’t usually accomplished in bold actions, but in singular acts of kindness between people. It’s the little things that count, because they are more spontaneous and show who you truly are.”

At the end of this experience, contrary to his wishes, Dannion apparently had no say in whether he could stay in that charming place. This speaks volumes about whether or not ‘re-birth’ is the result of a superficial exercise of our free will. I would be inclined to say that Dannion’s Whole Self was awakened by the experience, giving him the sensation of having no choice. After various visions in which he was shown several world events that were likely to take place in the future, and the nature of his mission on Earth, Dannion says:

As these visions ended, I had the amazing realization that these Beings were desperately trying to help us, not because we were such good guys, but because without us advancing spiritually here on earth, they could not become successful in their world. “You humans are truly the heroes,” a Being told me. “Those who go to earth are heroes and heroines, because you are doing something that no other spiritual beings have the courage to do. You have gone to earth to co-create with God.”

Seen in this light, incarnation is not an act of defiance or arrogance, but a brave, heroic way of collaborating with the Divine Source that so many near-death experiencers describe. Spiritual beings use it to explore the furthest corners of what is ‘possible’, by creating new nuances and bringing their own unique, indestructible personal identity to the physical plane. On this journey, our spirit guides or guardian angels are not there to judge us from above if we fail to take their advice, but instead are fellow team players striving for the successful realisation of the Grand Design…

[1] Taken from similar Sumerian and late Babylonian accounts heard by Jews once a year during their period of captivity in Babylon. For more on this, see Igor Sibaldi in La creazione dell’Universo, Sperling & Kupfer Editori, 1999

[2] First published by Villard in 1994. Harper One; Reprint edition, 2008

Looking Beyond the Fishbowl: A New Comforting Perspective on Reincarnation by Giulia Jeary Knap is available from http://amzn.to/2E4fQmb. Find out more here: http://fracieloeterra.org/reincarnationbook