The Ego and Our Real Self (continued)
…Needless to say, when interpreting the telepathic message in which the Being of Light reveals the heroic nature of incarnation, Dannion seems to suggest that a similar need to ‘progress’ exists in both the incarnate and disincarnate form. This once again raises the issue of linear time, although Dannion does not suggest that spirit guides live within it. While, admittedly, linear time is not the only yardstick available to us for measuring events, it is nevertheless part of the ‘big picture’ and, without it, certain ideas could not have come into existence. If a discarnate spirit is dealing with a recently discarnate spirit who, as in Dannion’s case, is about to go back into time, I believe the former must have shared its common purpose with the latter, covering all things, including the sensation of making progress and the notion of time.
What I want to emphasise here is the message that, while these spiritual entities appear not to ‘have the courage’ to enter the physical plane, the partnership created between those who come to this world and those who follow us from the other world is a win-win situation. It is a shared victory involving two mutually beneficial approaches, free from judgment and hierarchy.
Hence, if incarnation involves refining our personal identity in the heroic act of co-creating with God, then developing this illusory conviction of being separate from God and from each other is the inevitable guise we must wear every day during our time on the earthly plane – at least at this stage of the creative process we have apparently chosen to take part in.
This guise – the part of us that is responsible for keeping this illusion alive – is what I call the Ego or the ‘earthly self’. The Ego is a guiding voice that enables us to operate efficiently in our everyday lives. It directs us through the plethora of situations in which we find ourselves.
This guiding voice seems to be an integral part of our physical reality, with the specific purpose of keeping us soundly anchored to all that is material, even in the subtlest of ways. The main purpose of the Ego is to reinforce constantly the illusion that only the physical/material plane is real, and that everything on this plane revolves around suffering, everything is transient and time is master. Anything else is an illusion, the imagination, a hallucination, a dream, or even disease, psychiatric imbalance, dissociation or schizophrenia….
Looking Beyond the Fishbowl: A New Comforting Perspective on Reincarnation by Giulia Jeary Knap is available from Find out more here: or